Closed Cell Foam Insulation

Again with closed cell foam insulation, Sprayfoam Solutions has set high standards in deciding what closed cell foam insulation product to use for it’s business and offering to customers. We have listed six areas that needed to be met before deciding what product to use.

  1. Be highly flame retardant.
  2. Have zero Ozone Depletion Potential.
  3. Have zero Global Warming Potential.
  4. Has to be Volatile Organic Compound free.
  5. Be non-hazardous in all respects.
  6. Has to meet all local Australian standards.

Most of the above are self-explanatory, the definition of “Volatile Organic Compound Free” for those who are not aware what this is, it simply means that no vapors.are emitted.

closed cell foam insulationThe spray closed cell foam insulation product we found that met these requirements was “AUSFOAM 30” a product supplied by Australian company, “Australian Urethane Systems”.

AUSFOAM 30 is a low density rigid polyurethane Closed Cell Foam System uniquely developed to provide a highly flame retarded foam insulation system. It is has been developed for use in commercial, industrial wall and ceiling insulation applications where the foam is applied into stud work or framed construction.

Benefits of AUSFOAM 30.

  • Has high R-value per inch – (open-cell 3.5 per inch and closed-cell 6.0 per inch)
  • Eliminates air infiltration
  • Helps control moisture and condensation
  • Reduces convective currents in walls and attics
  • Eliminates wind washing
  • Effective at low and high temperatures
  • Provides the correct environment so that the ventilation system performs more efficiently

Return On Investment:

By reducing air leakage in a building to an absolute minimum & providing superior insulation qualities, the size and cost of heating and cooling equipment can be lowered. Energy savings can be reduced as high as 40% when compared with conventionally insulated buildings. High energy bills, could be a thing of the past!

Can you paint closed cell insulation? Read “Painting Spray Foam Insulation

If you would like more information on this closed cell foam insulation product please email us at