Retrofitting Foam Insulation

Retrofitting foam insulation on existing houses can be a real problem. Lets look at the various areas that you may want foam insulation applied. Underfloor Foam Insulation. Underfloor insulation is generally the easiest to apply with a couple of provisos. First there has to be at least 500 mm of height under the house. Secondly … Read more

Home preparation for installing Spray Foam Insulation

Experienced technicians have to suit up and mask to spray foam insulation just as painters do when spraying paint. This can be worse as foam sprayers sometimes have to work in confined spaces. For this reason, preparing your home for spray foam insulation takes just a bit of effort on your part, and should be … Read more

Painting Spray Foam Insulation

I have been asked many times whether painting spray foam insulation is viable especially when it is visible. Most applications of foam insulation is hidden, underfloor, in roof spaces, in walls. There are circumstances though, when it can be visible such as covering various parts of metal structures. inside or out. Painting spray foam insulation … Read more

Shed Insulation and Metal Structures

We all know how hot sheds become and how cold during winters, so would shed insulation be a viable option to prevent these extremes. Most sheds and buildings are predominately made of metal. These are the hardest structures to insulate from heat and cold due to their excellent heat and cold transmission properties. Let’s face … Read more

Tiny House Insulation Australia

If you are considering building a tiny house then one thing on your checklist is tiny house insulation. Many people decide on tiny house living as it is a way to reduce the cost of living. Not only does it reduce the cost of living but will also reduce the carbon footprint which is becoming … Read more

Wind Washing and It’s Deadly Effects.

As builders and contractors seek more ways to create quality air and thermal barriers in their building envelopes, it has become increasingly clear that in order to successfully accomplish this, the right insulation material must be chosen from the start of the process. The expectation of your chosen insulation is that it not allow airflow … Read more

What Makes a Sustainable House.

Do you consider that you have a sustainable house? We have all heard about sustainable houses, those made of straw bales and other types of renewable materials. We have heard of house structures made with metal frames that are not renewable and also contribute to our global warming crises. (Which unfortunately politicians around the world … Read more

What about Ceiling Insulation?

The reasons for installing ceiling insulation are widespread. With this sort of insulation there are several reasons why you would want this depending on the building type and roof construction. For example if you live in a multistory apartment building you may need to install ceiling sound insulation to reduce the amount of noise coming … Read more

Green Home Green Planet

The heading “Green Home Green Planet” is not what you think, a bash about environmental responsibility, although it comes naturally when considering insulating your home. Just think of the direct benefits of doing this (Reduced costs and more comfort) and that you are indirectly reducing the affect on the planet. Did you know that there … Read more